Tuesday, October 04, 2005


周慕雲與蘇麗珍的戀情是時空的一次錯摸,周慕雲自始被困在2046號房間,那裡有他與蘇麗珍最精彩的時光,也有他最深藏的秘密;可以說,周慕雲的心從來沒有離開過2046。為了維繫自己與現實世界的紐帶,他塑造出半自傳式的小說人物木村,讓他帶著周慕雲的秘密離開2046,以謎般笑容睥睨天下間沉淪在潮濕的回憶世界的眾生(包括現實世界中的自己)。但是,這個充滿自嘲意味的人物卻是個不中用的傢伙,他雖然離開了,卻忍不住一次又一次地回去,重複著希臘神話中Sisyphus的輪迴惡夢。「你願意跟我走嗎?」木村一次又一次地追問機械人王菲,明知道她不會有答案、她的沉默也不是一種答案,而更重要的是,這個機械人並不是他所追求的對象!他問的已不再是一條實質的問題,而是一條rhetorical question,因為這條問題的真正對象,也就是《花樣年華》中的蘇麗珍,已經從周慕雲的世界中徹底抹消。



Personal History by Katharine Graham

Although lauded for her journalistic integrity during the Watergate fallout, the late Katharine Graham is in fact not much of a hero, or for that matters, someone with particularly admirable traits. In her autobiography, she reminiscences the life of a daughter, a wife, a mother and a businesswoman overshadowed by and overly depended on the men surrounding her. She is constantly looking for a dominant male figure to take her under his wing. She has no strong intention to take the centerstage, not even in the thick of challenges. She's there only for the ride, and so it seems.

Despite a relentless name-dropping frenzy, Mrs Graham comes across surprisingly honest in her book. Her personality literally shines through the pages. She hasn't so much as trying to take undue credits for the Post's achievements (she makes it very clear she has little to do with exposing the Watergate scandal), and has laid bare her own weaknesses to the amusement of the readers (she admits she's eager to please, which is only too obvious, and is haunted by feelings of insecurity, despontency and underachievement).

A few anecdotes about several US Presidents are recounted, but nothing that will make you ooh and aah. Personal History is a well-written and intimate account of a fantastic and eventful life that was hardly the making of the protagonist. Not that surviving the life of a rich parent's daughter, a franatic and suicidal genius' wife and the head of a national media conglomerate anything close to easy, but Mrs Graham seems habitually taking the back seat as if she's a bystander. Success is almost handed over to her. After all, born right is all that matters, at least that's what I have in mind when I turned the last page.